Pin Code directory of West Bengal

West Bengal belongs to the Postal Zone 7 of India. And the state having a total of 1,174 PIN codes and 8,726 post offices, out of which 45 head post offices, 1,745 sub-post offices, 4 branch post office (direct) and 6,932 branch posts offices. All PIN code in the postal zone start with zone code 7, where PIN code of West Bengal starts with the prefix range between 70 - 74. West Bengal has 1 GPO.

GPO Details:
Kolkatta G.P.O
Kolkata, Dist. - Kolkata
West Bengal, India, Pin - 700001
Phone - 033-22105150

District wise Pin code directory lists of West Bengal. Search for the pin code of all post offices in each district in West Bengal, India.

DistrictStateTotal Post Offices
BankuraWest Bengal512
BardhamanWest Bengal729
BirbhumWest Bengal476
Cooch BeharWest Bengal297
DarjilingWest Bengal216
East MidnaporeWest Bengal629
HooghlyWest Bengal504
HowrahWest Bengal346
JalpaiguriWest Bengal369
KolkataWest Bengal241
MaldaWest Bengal338
MurshidabadWest Bengal578
NadiaWest Bengal458
North 24 ParganasWest Bengal646
North DinajpurWest Bengal208
PuruliaWest Bengal443
South 24 ParganasWest Bengal785
South DinajpurWest Bengal160
West MidnaporeWest Bengal791