Pin Code directory of Chandigarh

Chandigarh belongs to the Postal Zone 1 of India. And the state having a total of 24 PIN codes and 53 post offices, out of which 1 head post offices, 41 sub-post offices, 0 branch post office (direct) and 11 branch posts offices. All PIN code in the postal zone start with zone code 1, where PIN code of Chandigarh starts with the prefix 16. Chandigarh has 1 GPO.

GPO Details:
Chandigarh G.P.O
Chandigarh, Dist. - Chandigarh
Chandigarh, India, Pin - 160017
Phone - 0172-2703716

District wise Pin code directory lists of Chandigarh. Search for the pin code of all post offices in each district in Chandigarh, India.

DistrictStateTotal Post Offices