Climate of India
The climate of India may be broadly described as tropical monsoon. India's climate is affected by two seasonal winds - the north-east monsoon and the south-west monsoon. The north-east monsoon commonly known as winter monsoon blows from land to the sea whereas south-west monsoon known as summer monsoon blows from sea to land after crossing the Indian Ocean, the Arabian sea and the bay of Bengal. The south-west monsoon brings most of the rainfall during the year in the country.
Weather in India
Cycle of seasons: There are four seasons in India: winter (January-February), summer (March-May), Advancing monsoon (June-September) and post monsoon also known as north-east monsoon in the southern peninsula (October-December).
Winter: December to February is the wintertime in almost all of India. At this time of the year, days are cold with average temperature of 10-15 degree Centigrade, but it can drop down to below zero degrees Centigrade in some higher ranges of northern India.
Summer: From March to June is the summer session in India. It is a time period when rays of the sun fall vertically on the Indian subcontinent. The average temperature is around 32 degree Centigrade but in western region of India the maximum temperature can be far above the average. In summer session, North-India is very interesting to people. Here the average temperature is very comfortable for living. Many people, comes to visit in north India, mainly Sikkim, Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh for enjoy the natural beauty of summer.
Advancing Monsoon: Months of June, July, August and September form the core of Advancing Monsoon in almost all parts of the country. The monsoon approaches with moisture laden winds; this sudden approach is marked with violent thunderstorms and lightening, known as 'break' of the monsoon.
Post Monsoon: This season starts, when monsoon after drenching all of India, begins to retreat. With the month of September, rainfall began to decrease and as we approach November, the monsoon is completely gone from major part of India.