Pin Code directory of Andhra Pradesh

Andhra Pradesh belongs to the Postal Zone 5 of India. And the state having a total of 1,203 PIN codes and 10,335 post offices, out of which 59 head post offices, 1,532 sub-post offices, 14 branch post office (direct) and 8,730 branch posts offices. All PIN code in the postal zone start with zone code 5, where PIN code of Andhra Pradesh starts with the prefix range between 50 - 53. There has no GPO in the state Andhra Pradesh.

District wise Pin code directory lists of Andhra Pradesh. Search for the pin code of all post offices in each district in Andhra Pradesh, India.

DistrictStateTotal Post Offices
AnanthapurAndhra Pradesh942
ChittoorAndhra Pradesh894
CuddapahAndhra Pradesh831
East GodavariAndhra Pradesh858
GunturAndhra Pradesh856
KrishnaAndhra Pradesh818
KurnoolAndhra Pradesh766
NelloreAndhra Pradesh777
PrakasamAndhra Pradesh911
SrikakulamAndhra Pradesh562
VisakhapatnamAndhra Pradesh698
VizianagaramAndhra Pradesh667
West GodavariAndhra Pradesh755